Wednesday, 4 May 2011

My Final Reflection

Blogging- where do I start? This was the first question which came to my mind when I had thought of blogging for the first time. The journey of blogging was very challenging for me. In fact I was too nervous to post my first blog. My work was made easier by the tremendous support given to me from my colleagues. After my first blog I gained much courage and was determined to do the rest. Now, for me blogging has become a very important medium of interaction. The motivation and positive comments from the class lecturer was also very inspiring and I definitely started to enjoy the learning process of this project. To me the best way to fully understand the potential of blogs as a teaching and learning tool was to become a blogger.

Before starting this course technology for me meant things that use electricity like computers, freeze and microwave. But this course was very meaningful to me and my knowledge on technology has broaden and as I read that “ technology is not only about products like computers, MP3 players but the word technology has always had a variety of interpretations, ranging from mere hardware to a systematic way of solving problems”( Smaldino, Lowther & Russell, 2008, p. 43). The course People, Places, Things and Events has also given me knowledge, skills and understanding of how to foster children’s interest, enthusiasm, and learning in technology in early childhood settings and ways it impacts children’s learning and development.

I found it really interesting to read other colleagues blogs and to see the wide range of technology been used by the children in the centre. I loved reflecting and responding on their blogs. Blogging helped me to learn every topic I post on, as colleagues put in additional thoughts on such topics. While considering on children's use of technology in the centre I realised that I myself was experiencing a new technology- blogging. Smorti (1999) suggests that as educators we need to broaden our understanding of technology and continue to extend our knowledge and skill base. I had received some very valuable comments from my colleagues. Tina and Rain gave some different perspective of how I could extend children's interest and learning.  Sonam and Jen realized that using fry pan for cooking also involves technology. "With blogs the ability for people to leave comments can be a very powerful and positive learning tool" ( Richardson, 2009, p. 13).

Through this course I have gained knowledge of technology. I have also realised that it is important to evaluate the significance of people, places, things and events in children's learning and development. So if you believe, as I do, that technology is part of early childhood curriculum, then it is time to start thinking about ways we can most effectively implement them.


             Richardson, W. ( 2009). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other powerful Web tool for Classrooms.(2nd   ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

              Smaldino, S., Lowther, D., & Russell, J. (2008). Instructional technology and media for learning (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Smorti, S. (1999). Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, No.19 Autumn 1999, 5-10.


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